Ch 15 – New Rhythms

Quick note, sorry I’m 2 weeks behind on updates I was going to post a short update Thursday but got mobbed instead 😀 lol 😀

As I slept I dreamed, and this time I remembered my dreams.

The first dream was vague with blurred faces and images, but from it I realized that should I ever meet the right person I’ll know it, I’ll be able to feel a strong bond of attraction as will they.

My second dream was crisper. In that dream Claude showed up.

He and I both looked as we had when Ahmose was a baby. This time instead of talking to me about the names of plants he was requesting samples of the fruits that were perfect. In the dream he ate the whole fruit and asked for more. Claude then said that perfect fruits and vegetables were safe to eat even for me and could be stored in the cupboard for future meals. Then he left never once asking about Ahmose’s well being or mine, and with no knowledge that he had fathered a third child.

I’m not sure that I trust a dream for the safety of what to eat. I’m not willing to take any chances with my health or my children’s by eating any of the fruits no matter how perfect they are. I will however use the idea of storing the perfect ones for future plantings. This way even if something happens to me Ahmose and Almas can always have a perfect garden.

Noises from outside woke Almas, who in turn woke me up. To me it sounded like monsters were in the garden even though there was no moon out.

This I decided was a down side to Almas growing up. So I told her not to worry and go back to sleep. As I pulled the covers up I noted that the sounds were different tonight, as if the creature was in pain.

Had I been brave enough to look outside the site that would have met my eyes probably would have terrified me. After all if the monsters scared me what could make them scared?

In the morning as we all got ready to have our morning bowl of soup I took note of how tall Ahmose had gotten. I decided that it was time for him to start helping me in the garden. He could do the watering for me, and maybe help with harvesting. Eventually I would give him more responsibilities, but even if all he took over was the watering it would be a big help. As I took out the soup pouches I put in the perfect fruits in the cupboard and warned both of them against eating the fruits. They nodded their heads at me, that was good enough for me.

As Almas and I ate our soup I told her that I needed her to clean the inside of the shelter before she could come outside to play. At first she started to protest, but I explained that I had to work on the garden and that Ahmose would be helping me in the garden, in the end she accepted her new duties. Ahmose was glad to hear that he would be outside from the start. I promised them both time to play if we could get all of the work done before sunset.

Next to the garden I discovered an engraved stone that made me think of a death marker, had one of the creatures died out here last night? If so I wondered how it had died. Somehow the thought of the monsters dying both saddened and terrified me. I made the children promise to leave the marker alone. Who knew what would happen if we moved it. This was new and I felt that nothing good could come of it.

Afterwards I got to work on reviving as many plants as I could while Ahmose watered.

True to her word Almas took care of the inside chores, while doing so she found the play outfit that Ahmose used to wear and put it on.


While he was watering Ahmose got excited and yelled out that he had found new seeds. He gave them to me and went back to watering. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the seeds were from our plants in the garden. I let him savor his happiness at recognizing the seeds on the ground.

Initially I thought Almas would stay outside longer but because she couldn’t help in the garden she went inside to play at the table just as Ahmose used to.

When Ahmose was done he went inside to talk with Almas. I don’t know what he said to her but within minutes they both came running full blast out the front door.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon happily chasing each other around the yard, the only time they stopped was if they were hitting each other with the pillows from the bed. Their happiness and laughter was infectious, I frequently found myself pausing to watch them and smile to myself. I was happy for them and their ability to shed the worry’s about food.

Ahmose wouldn’t cooperate for the shot :p Nor would Primrose & Almas stay where I wanted them :p

That evening I asked them to come over to where I had drawn on the walls. With great care I pointed at each symbol and explained what it meant. I also told them as much of my history as I knew from waking up on the beach to meeting their father. Looking at the wall I knew I would be adding more panels soon, just as each day I was adding another branch or two to the boundary line of our home.

Thus our days took on new rhythms. Them working with me in the mornings and spending the rest of their day playing if time permitted. Ahmose growing more confident each day as he helped me in the garden. While I spent my time in the garden. The evenings with me repeating my tale to them and helping them learn how to read my writing.

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3 Responses to Ch 15 – New Rhythms

  1. wwequeenie08 says:

    Great update!

  2. sylvanniah says:

    zombiess ! I hate them, cause they always eat my plants. But now I put some fences and pray for them not to show up inside them xD

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